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Ann Klem

Artist Statement:






I’m addicted to glass!


How do you represent science fiction, black holes and nature's processes?  I use my keen interest in these things as inspiration for my designs of glass sculptures.  My creations give me a chance to explore the fluid forms of glass and how colors react with each other.  I enjoy the challenge melting or combining glass provides because it often has its own idea of where to go and how to behave. 


Often beginning by creating the "block of glass" either in the kiln or by laminating pieces together, I cold-work the block to create the final sculpture.   Other pieces are created by casting the glass in the kiln by allowing the glass to flow into a plaster mold.



After a career in computers, I dove into creating functional and artistic glass pieces in my studio in Fisherville (Louisville), Kentucky.   I am a member of the Glass Art Society.  I am also a juried member of the Louisville Artisans’ Guild, the Kentucky Craft Marketing Program, and the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen.  My creations are at Gallery 104 in LaGrange, KY; the Kentucky Artisans Center at Berea, KY; KORE Gallery in Louisville, KY; and Kittrill/Riffkind Art Glass in Dallas, TX.


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