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Joshua Jenkins

Artist Statement:






Art to me is the soul's communication - a response to eperience and life.  This theory is what innately drives me to create, because I feel as though I have to for my own well being. Like many artists I use art as a source of therapy - coping with day to day stresses, romances, my sexuality, my childhood and my ongoing struggle with institional religion.   However, not all inspiration comes from my life. I an also inspired by observing people around me.  In some regards I consider myself a voyeur of life. People intrigue me not only on a physical plane, but on a deeper emotional level. I tend to feed inspiration to myself from others emotional distresses and lives.  Ultimately, my work is not to create art at expense of my own or others miseries, but rather to shine a light on the commonalities between us all - being that we all feel similar emotions. 


Much of my work is figuratively representational through an expressive and abstract medium.  My forms are distorted and at times can seem like disfigured scribbles of a body.  I use this disruptive and freeform line as a reference to the influence from the Expressionist movement and also acknowledging the energy of street artists.  Futhermore, I find beauty in the raw textures that plagues old cities and in the primitive instincts - used to enhance the decay through an artistic resolve - that graffiti artists seem to do so well.  This emotion is definitely the root of my overall aesthetic. 




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